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Residence: Yarmouk University,
Languages: Arabic, Rus., Eng.
Diploma Higher School in Interior Design at the Moscow state University of
Applied Arts named after (Stroganova), 1987.
Ph.D speciallity 17.00.04 Fine, Decorative-Applied Arts
and Architecture (Interior Design)
Practical Experiences:
Interior Designer (Sarabi design) for 2 years. Performance of Interior and
supervisory functions for the following projects:
4 villas in Irbed, Amman, and madaba.
Designing Women Clothes store in Irbed.
Designing Fireplaces for many Villas in Amman.
Academic Experinces:
Full-time Lecturer for Interior Design at Y. U. Irbed. Assistant Professor
at Y. U. for 4 years and still on the head of my work.
Participation in International Conferences: The Interior Design
conference- Moscow - 1999.
Puplished and
under publicity researches about
Interior Design.
Member of the Fine Arts Association.
Member of the International Designers Union.

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